
All international horse sports are governed by the rules of the Federation Equestre International (FEI). The FEI deals with National Federations (NFs). Our National Federation is the British Equestrian Federation (BEF). All international fixtures are run under the FEI rules, these can be found here: FEI Eventing Rules


Competing at any International (FEI) Event Check List:


1. Current Rider FEI Registration

2. Current Horse FEI Registration

3. Up to date vaccinations

4. Must be microchipped

5. Sufficient MERs

6. Downloaded FEI Horse App and complete 3 days of temperatures prior to arrival at event and duration of event (2 per day)


For full FEI International Fixtures list go to: eventing Events |



To compete at an FEI competition both horse and rider must be registered with the FEI.

Registrations must be renewed ANNUALLY. Please see FEI Price List 2024 below for cost.  FEI Registrations are non-refundable.



  • This is for those that has previously obtained an FEI number for rider an/or horse
  • Please call the office on 0330 1748196 and press option 1 for membership or 2 for sport.
  • The membership team will be in contact for payment. 


To register a NEW RIDER OR HORSE for an FEI registration:

  • Please complete the form found in the useful documents tab below.
  • Please email your name, membership number, horse name and horse registration number to
  • The form will be declined if not completed.


Please note that New FEI registrations and renewals can take up to 14 days to process in busy periods.


A horse must have an FEI passport / recognition card if they are competing at CCI4*- S and above in the UK, all FEI championship classes or at any competition outside the UK. 

The earliest a passport / recognition card can be revalidated is two months before the expiry date on the passport.

To apply for an FEI passport / recognition card:

  • Please complete the form found in the useful documents tab and send to
  • Horses can compete in FEI competitions without  a FEI passport / recognition card for the following classes:
  1. Standard Internationals: CCI1*, CCI2* & CCI3*
  2. Youth and Championships: CCIP1, CCIP2, CCIJ1*, CCIY2*, CCIYH1*, CCIYH2* & CCIU252*
  3. Please allow 14 working days for a FEI new recognition card/renewal to be processed. An express rate can be requested, at an additional cost, subject to availability. 


You can read more here on the difference between registration, recognition cards and passports



All horses applying for an FEI registration for the first time must be microchipped.


To update or change the passport details including revalidation please contact:


It is stated within the FEI rule that:

Annex 2, 2.4 - All horses competing under FEI Rules are required to be vaccinated in accordance with FEI Veterinary Regulations and Eventing Rules. These require that booster vaccinations be given within six months of the arrival at the stables, which may be extended by 21 days * in order to provide a window for revaccination; a shorter interval is permitted, but this will set the date for the next booster vaccination.

You will need to make sure that your vaccination record in your horse's passport is up to date and complete, showing the full history including the primary course and all yearly boosters – all passports will be checked.

* Please note: 

  • Due to vaccination shortages in 2022, until April 1st, horses must have received a vaccination within 12 months of competing.


The FEI HorseApp will now be required for all riders anywhere in the world from 1 January 2022. ALL horses competing at ALL FEI Events must fulfil the Horse Health Requirements via the FEI HorseApp.  More information can be found here: Horse Health | FEI

The FEI has stated:

EHV-1 By-Law No. 5. Mandatory rectal temperature checks of all horses twice daily at Events, with the readings entered in the FEI HorseApp.
EHV-1 By-Law No. 10. Horse Health Status Self-declaration by Athlete/Groom including horse rectal temperatures for the THREE days prior to arrival at the Event, both entered in the FEI HorseApp.

For further information on EHV rules and the FEI HorseApp please go to the EHV tab on this page. 

To ensure your horse has obtained all the correct vaccinations to compete please go to: Vaccinations | FEI


The FEI HorseApp will now be required for all riders anywhere in the world from 1 January 2022. ALL horses competing at ALL FEI Events must fulfil the Horse Health Requirements via the FEI HorseApp.  More information can be found here: Horse Health | FEI or any queries/issues, please contact 


The FEI has stated:

EHV-1 By-Law No. 5. Mandatory rectal temperature checks of all horses twice daily at Events, with the readings entered in the FEI HorseApp.
EHV-1 By-Law No. 10. Horse Health Status Self-declaration by Athlete/Groom including horse rectal temperatures for the THREE days prior to arrival at the Event, both entered in the FEI HorseApp.


Summary of Horse Health Requirements for  ALL FEI Events:

1. Two daily temperature readings for every Horse competing at FEI Events for the THREE days leading up to the arrival at an FEI Event AND each day of competition.

·        To be entered in the FEI HorseApp.

·        Must be done on a daily basis.

·        Step by step guidelines can be found on the FEI “How to” Database here.

·        For clarification, the three days prior to an arrival by a rider at the Event are calculated as per this example: If they plan to arrive at the Event on the Thursday, they will have to enter the temperatures for the three preceding days, which are Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday 

2. Horse Health FEI Self-Certification form for all Horses attending an FEI Event

  • To be entered in the FEI HorseApp.
  • Must be done the day before or day of arrival at FEI Event.
  • Step by step guidelines can be found on the FEI “How to” Database here.

3. Entering of two daily temperature readings for each Horse whilst at an FEI Event

  • To be entered in the FEI HorseApp.
  • It is no longer required to record temperatures on a chart on the stable door.
  • Step by step guidelines can be found on the FEI “How to” Database here.


If any of the Horse Health Requirements are not fulfilled, the EHV-1 By-Law Sanctions will apply and these sanctions cannot be appealed.


What are the Sanctions?

They are outlined in the table below;




First offence


Second offence

CHF 200 fine

Third offence

CHF 300 fine and Horse blocked for at least 10 days until required temperatures entered:

    • By-Law No.5: The Horse is eliminated by the Ground Jury
    • By-Law No.10: The Horse can compete in the particular Event and is then blocked

Fourth or further offence

CHF 400 fine and Horse blocked for at least one month until required temperatures entered:

    • By-Law No.5: The Horse is eliminated by the Ground Jury
    • By-Law No.10: The Horse is NOT allowed to enter the venue

False registration of temperature

Reported to FEI HQ for possible further disciplinary action



Where can I find more Information About the App and Sanctions?

  • the EHV-1 By-Law Sanctions and how they will work can be found here.
  • the FEI HorseApp and information on how to use it can be found here.


How can Violations be Removed?

If for example, the system sanctions a horse because the Self-Certification Form was not filled in for a specific Event – and the FEI find out that the horse was never at that Event – the FEI would remove the sanction and therefore the Horse Health Requirements will be recalculated and the violation removed.


If a horse arrives at an Event and has not done the temperatures prior to its arrival or the Self-Certification Form, the Vet on site will examine the horse and will be notified of this. The Vet will inform the Person Responsible that they can still enter the information to save themselves from violating the Horse Health Requirements. The Person Responsible will have until midnight of the day they arrive to fill in the temperatures and the Self-Certification Form. If they do this there will be no sanction, but if they do not, a sanction is applied and cannot be appealed. 


Other people can be nominated via the HorseApp to enter the horse’s temperature so there is never an excuse that there was insufficient reception/wi-fi etc.


How will the Fines be Issued?

The FEI will issue the fines. BE will contact the rider regarding this but it is the riders responsibility to pay this fine.


 Where can I find out more?

The FEI “How to” platform is full of useful information with easy screen shots, step by step instructions and is a great resource for finding help - FEI How To

The HorseApp specific help links can be found here:

·        How to enter Horse temperatures on the FEI HorseApp

·        How to create my FEI account on a FEI mobile application

·        How to submit my Horse Health Self-Certification Form on the FEI HorseApp

·        How to manage My Horses on the FEI HorseApp

·        How to upload a PCR test on the FEI HorseApp

·        How to log in to the FEI HorseApp

·        How to check-in a Horse using the FEI HorseApp

·        How to report an incorrect Person associated with my Horse

Useful documents



UK Home FEI Internationals

Entries for UK FEI events can be made on the British Eventing Website on the event specific page. Both athlete and horse must have a current 2024 FEI registration, the entry will not be processed if this is not complete.  


Overseas FEI Internationals - 

To compete at an overseas FEI events you must first fill out this form - 2025 Application to Compete Overseas | British Eventing. MERs will be checked and athlete will be contacted with further information on specific event.

Please note: 

  • Applications for an oversea event will close 7 days prior to the stated definite entries close date in the FEI schedule.
  • Your application will be declined if the above form is not filled out and FEI registrations are invalid. We do not accept applications in any other format.

If you are uncertain whether you/your horse are qualified for the level that you wish to enter, please contact to check your qualifications.



To enter any international competition BOTH the horse and rider must have a current FEI registration. These must be renewed annually.

Exporting EQUINES

From the 15th January 2022, to export horses abroad you will require a CPH number. This CPH number will be required to be inputted on to the Defra Health Certificates issued by your official vet (OV).

Please click HERE to download the DEFRA form that must be completed and returned to - You should receive your CPH numbers from Defra within 2-3 days after submitting the form.

Please note that this is a requirement from DEFRA and all forms should be sent to their email address.

International Horse Transport

For more information, we advise you look to and contact: International Horse Transport | Peden Bloodstock

And for further information on travelling horses, go to the BEF website: Travelling to Europe - British Equestrian

The International Levels

From 2019, the FEI renamed the international classes; the new nomenclature can be found in the table below.

S = Short

L = Long 

Relating to the difference in the length of the cross country course.

New class code from 2019 Previously known as Maximum Height
CCI1*-Intro New introductory level 1.05m
CCI2*-S CIC1* 1.10m
CCI2*-L CCI1* 1.10m
CCI3*-S CIC2* 1.15m
CCI3*-L CCI2* 1.15m
CCI4*-S CIC3* 1.20m
CCI4*-L CCI3* 1.20m
CCI5*-L CCI4* 1.30m
Olympic Games and WEG - Special category Olympic Games and WEG 1.30m


FEI Horse and Rider Registration fees have increased in 2023, due to both the increases introduced by the FEI and the outcome of a business audit which identified that the administration of both registrations was being extensively subsidised by the sport. 

Unfortunately, in line with other national governing bodies, British Eventing is no longer in a position to make such substantial losses and, if we are to continue supporting the membership by delivering the registrations in house, we have no option but to bring the fees in line with the others offering the same service. Therefore, those wishing to compete in international classes will need to be aware of the new prices.

For horse & pony passport application prices click here

For horse & rider registration prices click here


For information on international competition and qualification please contact  


ALL International (FEI) competitions are run under FEI Rules and Regulations. 

Members wishing to compete in any FEI competitions are reminded to look at the relevant FEI Rules and Regulations.

On the Eventing Rules page there is also a useful 'Use of Tack Equipment' reference document.



FEI Eventing Dressage Tests 2022 -


Minimum eligibility requirements


British Eventing have a host of Championships at International level. Use this page to find links to selection policies, dates of upcoming Championships and eligibility requirements.